Academic Enrichment
Students dive deeper into a chosen field and learn with others who share their passion. Both day and overnight options. Subjects include psychology, architecture, business, writing, debate, health care, law, environmental policy, government, sports management and so many others. Many offer hands-on learning in experiential environments.
Art, Music, Theatre, Culinary
Instruction in the arts including dance, film, media, voice, glass blowing, photography and so much more, often from industry professionals who strive to mentor children. Some programs offer the opportunity to create a portfolio which can be used for college applications.
College Planning
Students can begin the college process by preparing for standardized tests, learning about the many college options and beginning to understand what to look for to find the right experience.
Outdoor Adventure and Leadership
Exploration with backpacking, camping, canoeing, hiking, kayaking, mountain biking, rock climbing, surfing, and white water rafting in fascinating destinations both local and worldwide. Many teach wilderness, leadership and environmental protection skills.
Internships & Entrepreneurship
Internships offer hands-on experience in a field of interest. Company mentors teach and engage the student in meaningful work. Internships allow teens to begin collecting a network of business contacts for the future.
Sports Instruction
Athletes specialize in their chosen sport(s) and receive intensive instruction and competition at a more intense level than during the school year.
Language & Cultural Immersion
Students are immersed in a language and improve fluency through intensive instruction by native speakers. Many programs offer the opportunity to live with a host family for an authentic experience.
Students explore STEM topics with like-minded peers and mentors. Learning is experiential and meaningful. Areas include 3D design and printing, bioscience, computer science, engineering, geosciences, neuroscience, and university-level STEM research.
Teen Camps & Teen Tours
At camp, teens live in a traditional camp setting with advanced instruction and activities that foster independence, leadership, and strong friendships in a safe and supportive environment. On teen tours, students travel on well-supervised, active, fun, sightseeing trips with engaging evening entertainment and make friends for life.
Gap Year
Postponing college or taking time off during college can help students prepare for higher education or a career. Gap years are gaining popularity across the globe and the opportunities for experiential learning and inspiration are endless.